DJ Smos Def K-Pop Video Mixes

 DJ Smos Def K-Pop Video Mixes

     Hello netizens and Smos heads! I hope you are all well and healthy. So, I've compiled all of my K-Pop MV Mixes I've worked on this past year into this new year on my YouTube channel. I may be taking a break from recording and producing these since they take double the effort and time with video. And I may need to focus my attention into other ventures that actually generate revenue lol.

Also, most K-Pop tracks don't have instrumental intros for mixing so I've had to a.) find a decent sounding instrumental track to download, b.) edit them on my editing program, and c.) sync these to the video files and make separate video files with intro edits. I've accumulated a massive library of self edits so if any other K-Pop Video DJ watches the mixes and needs them let me know. I'm thinking of creating a completely separate blog for K-Pop MV Edits. Do you guys think this is a good idea?

But thanks for all who have supported and watched my lives on Twitch and YouTube, namely Edwin and Dave!

Enjoy! <3



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